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US History Educational Websites

The Frontier West summary Unit 2

Indians, miners, cowboys, and farmers and how their interactions opened up the western half of the continent  

Federal Government Land Policy summary Unit 2

1850-1900-- Railroads, cattle companies, agricultural students, and homesteaders all benefited from a series of laws that distributed federal lands in the last half of the 19th century. Biggest losers: American Indians, who saw over half of their lands (usually the best half) taken by whites.

American Industrialization summary Unit 2

The owners, workers, machines, and ideas that helped form the American industrial empire

The Gilded Age summary Unit 2

In a dreary time of party politics and economic disaster, the Populists energized America and helped promote William Jennings Bryan, an orator of prodigious power

Rise fo the American City summary Unit 2 & 3

Urban problems such as corruption and congestion were battled by reformers and the rise of a new form of Christianity called the Social Gospel which applied religious principles to social problems.

Unit 3 Progressive Era Review

Read Progressive Era Reform.

Read about Women's Suffrage under the "Suffrage" category.

Read about Government Involvement and the Populism under the "Industrial Reform" category.

Click Practice athe bottom and answer questions about "The Progressive Movement".

American Imperialism summary Unit 4

1877-1914--As American industrial might grew, the desire to expand to international markets and the emergence of a new manifest destiny led to adventures and misadventures close to home (Mexico) and far away (China)

Spanish-American War summary Unit 4

summary of the important background, major events, and results of the Spanish-American War (1898) (Microsoft Word .doc file)

Unit 4 Imperialism/Expansionism/Spanish-American War Review

1. Read all of the section called "Imperialism".

2. Read about the Monroe Doctrine in the sections called "Neutrality".

3. Read about the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations in the section called "Isolationism".

WWI's aftermath summary Unit 4

Attack on Civil Liberties and Betrayal at Versailles 1918-1920-- Wilson's idealistic quest for a "war to end all wars" ends disastrously in France while civil liberties are squelched in America 

Cultural Tensions of the 1920s Unit 5

list of the serious issues in the culture wars of the 1920s that led to divisions and disagreements about American society. (pdf file)

The Roaring Twenties summary Unit 5

The decade of the 1920s was marked with disillusionment, conservative Republican presidents, and major social and technological changes

The Scopes Trial Unit 5

This 1925 Tennessee trial pitted Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan in a fight over the teaching of evolution in the schools and also pointed to the growing divisions in American society between religious fundamentalism and modernism (Microsoft Word .doc file)

Great Depression summary Uni 5 & 6

America's most serious economic downturn had many causes and brought a decade of personal and national hardships

Hoover v. FDR Response to Great Depression Unit 6

Use this link to help you complete the the Respnses to the Great Depression by Hoover and FDR worksheet.

Hoover-FDR PowerPoint

Use this powerpoint to complete "Responses to the Great Depression by Hoover and FDR" worksheet.

New Deal VIDEO Unit 6

You will use this video to complete the New Deal viewing guide.

New Deal Agencies (Unit 5 & 6)

Below is a partial list of New Deal "alphabet agencies" and their primary function (relief, recovery, or reform).

American Foreign Policy between the Wars summary Unit 7

Agrowing isolationism marked America's response to totalitarian advances in Europe and Asia.

American Involvement in WWII summary Unit 7 & 8

A quick look atthe key events and battles of World War II. (Microsoft Word .doc file)

major battles of WWII Unit 7 & 8

Short descriptions of the key battles of WWII

Unit 11: The Ho Chi Min Trail

The Ho Chi Minh Trail not only connected North and South Vietnam during a brutal war but also aided Vietnamese soldiers. The trail shaved nearly five months of time off of the trip and was used as a secret weapon of sorts. Cameron Paterson describes the history and usage of the infamous trail.

unit 11: Tunnel Rats of Vietnam video

"Dangerous Missions" History Channel

Unit 13 Presidents and policies

Domestic and foreign policies of George H. Bush, Bill CLinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Heather Daniel

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